These include the death scenes of Pick-Up guy and his friend at the bar, and the death of Danny Trejo's character. Many deaths and action scenes had to be cut to get the R rating.
The MPAA originally gave the movie an NC-17 rating. They were finally able to get her comfortable enough to finish the scene, but Rodriguez ultimately had to make due with a bunch of quick cuts for the final film instead of the longer shots he'd wanted. She would remove her towel and be nude for a few seconds, then start crying again and put the towel back on. Banderas and Rodriguez tried to comfort her and lighten the mood by making jokes, which helped for little stints of time. Just as they started to shoot, she started to cry, telling the others she didn't think she could do it because she was afraid. When it came time to film it, she was incredibly nervous she had never taken her clothes off onscreen before, and the thought of being nude in front of Antonio Banderas and the crew was terrifying. Salma Hayek said during an interview in February 2021 that filming her nude scene in Desperado was "traumatizing." It wasn't in the script, and there was no mention of it when production began, but she agreed to do it when Robert Rodriguez brought it up. My hair, Salma's hair and everybody that was behind the camera's hair." And I remember the smell of, you know, burned hair. And then there was an explosion behind us, a fire that has to fill the whole entire screen.
But we were playing with our lives right then. So we repeat that many times until the man actually got it. And I hit with my head the next building. And so I remember the first time I jumped backwards, I - the guy just dropped the cable a little bit too heavy. This is a guy who's just bringing bricks on top of a roof but not people. But it was not very precise because the guy never rehearse it. That cable was attached to a harness that we had under our, you know, costume. And that guy who was - you know, a construction worker that was working on a building, a house, very close, was transporting Salma first and then me from one roof to the other. There was not a movie crane or nothing prepared for the movie. We were hung on a cable that was on a crane. During a 2019 interview with Terry Gross on the National Public Radio program "Fresh Air," Antonio Banderas remembered that one of the side-effects of making this movie on a very small budget was that some dangerous corners were cut in the stunt sequences: "I will just start my explanation by saying that I would never do that again.